Electromanometric recordings of caecal pressures were made in chronica
lly cannulated ponies. Endoscopy allowed direct observation of the cae
cal base and cupola while recording intracaecal pressures and enabled
a functional interpretation of caecal pressure profiles. Using gas-tig
ht seals, the caecal gas cap baseline pressure (tone) was usually belo
w atmosphere, becoming less negative postprandially. Diurnal variation
s were observed in the amplitude and frequency of caecal pressure prof
iles and the direction of caecal movements, during which intra-caecal
gas cap pressures briefly became positive. A paraprandial (psychic) ph
ase of enhanced caecal motility was observed. Manipulation of the caec
al gas cap volume, by insufflation of nitrogen gas, demonstrated the c
apacity of the caecal base to regulate gas pressures and to eliminate
fermenting gases.