A one-sided (monopole) Version of the Muller-Lyer was used to assess t
he effect of response mode on the metric distortion associated with th
e illusion. Two different response modes were tested for comparability
. The Operant Mode required the judgment of stimulus span to be indica
ted by marking a dot on the test page. The Comparison Mode required ju
dgment of equality of two adjoining prepositioned spans. The perceptua
l effects with the comparison procedure are known to consist of undere
stimation of spans which are bounded by concave fin-sets and overestim
ation of spans which are bounded by convex fin-sets. The question is w
hether the motor demands of the operant task produce an additional sou
rce of metric bias. Analysis indicate a very high correlation of judgm
ents for the two modes of testing. Also, data with either mode of resp
onding closely fit a linear model of the effect, and the model provide
s comparable index values for the concave and convex versions. These r
esults should mitigate concern about potential motor bias from the ope
rant method and encourage its use as a more efficient procedure for as
sessing metric distortion.