Background and Objective. Renal failure is a known complication of acu
te leukemias both at diagnosis and following cytostatic treatment. No
recent studies give data on the incidence and risk factors of renal co
mplications and their prognostic impact. Design and Methods. Two hundr
ed and twenty consecutive adult patients with newly diagnosed acute le
ukemia treated at a major university medical center were evaluated for
renal complications before, during, and after treatment; 166 patients
were treated by chemotherapy only and 54 patients were treated with c
hemotherapy and later transplanted with allogeneic or autologous bone
marrow. Renal complications were subdivided into 3 entities: acute ren
al failure, major and minor complications, based on clinical and labor
atory parameters. Renal failure occurring as a consequence of terminal
multi-organ failure was excluded from the present study. Results. App
roximately 30% of patients in the chemotherapy group had a renal compl
ication either before or after chemotherapy. Patients undergoing trans
plantation had a 50% risk of renal complications. Risk factors for com
plications were male sex, age, previous kidney disease, white cell cou
nt, and refractory leukemia (chemotherapy group) and allogeneic versus
autologous transplant (transplant group). In the chemotherapy group,
early but not delayed renal complications had a poor prognostic impact
. In the transplant group renal complications had no impact on prognos
is. In all patient groups, acute renal failure was prognostically unfa
vorable. interpretation and Conclusions. We conclude from our study th
at renal complications are frequent in acute leukemias and that the tr
eatment and prevention of renal complications is important for the man
agement of acute leukemias. (C)1998, Ferrata Storti Foundation.