Two assay methods for the antidiabetic metformin, one developed and va
lidated in 1990 and one developed and validated in 1996, are compared.
The first method, using an octadecyl phase and an ion pairing agent i
n the eluent, could not be reproduced some five years later, but anoth
er method, using a phenyl phase and no ion pairing agent, could be suc
cessfully applied. This paper shows that the retention mechanism of th
e positively charged analyte is not due to ion-pair formation, as orig
inally assumed, but to interaction with free silanol groups in the LC
phase. It is suggested that the number of free silanol groups in octad
ecyl phases was strongly reduced between 1990 and 1996, whereas for ph
enyl phases this was not the case. For the second method, validation r
esults on linearity, specificity, accuracy, precision, recovery and st
ability as well as application of the method to samples from a clinica
l trial are shown. The validated calibration range is from 20.0 to 200
0 ng.mL(-1), with accuracy (bias) and precision (coefficient of variat
ion) being below 15% at all levels. Using automated solid-phase extrac
tion for sample preparation, a sample throughput of typically 100 per
day can be achieved.