Griffin, Wu and Stringari have derived the hydrodynamic equations of a
trapped dilute Bose gas above the Bose-Einstein transition temperatur
e. We give the extension which includes hydrodynamic damping, followin
g the classic work of Uehling and Uhlenbeck based on the Chapman-Ensko
g procedure. Our final result is a closed equation for the velocity fl
uctuations delta v which includes the hydrodynamic damping due to the
shear viscosity eta and the thermal conductivity kappa. Following Kavo
ulakis, Pethick and Smith, we introduce a spatial cutoff in our linear
ized equations when the density is so low that the hydrodynamic descri
ption breaks down. Explicit expressions are given for eta and kappa, w
hich are position-dependent through dependence on the local fugacity w
hen one includes the effect of quantum degeneracy of the trapped gas.
We also discuss a trapped Bose-condensed gas, generalizing the work of
Zaremba, Griffin and Nikuni to include hydrodynamic damping due to th
e (non-condensate) normal fluid.