Two brothers with slowly progressive weakness and congenital nystagmus
are presented. DNA analysis confirmed X-linked recessive bulbospinal
muscular atrophy (XBSMA, Kennedy's disease) by demonstration of increa
sed size of a CAG-triplet repeat on the androgen receptor gene on the
X-chromosome. XBSMA is characterized by almost symmetrical muscular at
rophy, weakness and fasciculations predominantly of bulbar, facial and
proximal muscles of the extremities, with onset in the third to fifth
decade. Tendon reflexes are depressed and pyramidal signs are absent.
Sensory symptoms are clinically rare, but sensory nerve action potent
ials are frequently abnormal. Additional symptoms are important for di
fferential diagnosis, and include postural tremor, gynecomastia, diabe
tes mellitus, testicular atrophy and impotence. Differentiation of thi
s hereditary disorder from treatable conditions such as multifocal mot
or neuropathy or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is essential. Though li
fe expectancy is normal, patients become disabled in the course of the
disease and need supportive care. Periodic testing for diabetes is re
commended, and genetic counselling should be provided for patients and
their relatives.