With the ever-expanding elderly population in the United States, benig
n prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has become a widespread condition. Altho
ugh surgical intervention (open prostatectomy and transurethral resect
ion of the prostate) was the typical management approach for BPH in th
e past, other options currently include drug therapy and transurethral
thermotherapy, a minimally invasive procedure that involves the targe
ting of heat deep within the prostate transition zone while cooling th
e surrounding anatomic structures with circulating water. Two thermoth
erapy devices-the Prostatron and the T3 transurethral thermoablation t
herapy catheter-have been studied in randomized, controlled clinical t
rials at the Mayo Clinic. Both devices were shown to be effective in a
substantial subset of patients with BPH: symptom scores decreased, pe
ak urinary now rates increased, and total serum prostate-specific anti
gen levels increased, an indication of destruction of adenomatous tiss
ue. All patients were able to complete the treatment without the need
for general or regional anesthesia, and thermotherapy was associated w
ith few postprocedural events. Although this therapeutic strategy is c
urrently used selectively in patients with lateral lobe prostatic aden
oma, improvements in technology and understanding of the thermoregulat
ory properties of the prostate should broaden the application of therm
otherapy devices in the management of BPH.