Proppant flowback from hydraulically fractured wells can lead to sand
wear on the pump barrel and plunger and to increased pulling costs on
rod-pumped wells. Two separate approaches for lengthening the run time
s of the pumps were tried and evaluated individually. One approach was
to install pumps that allow production of a sand-laden fluid. Pressur
e-actuated plunger (PAP) pumps were field tested, and they showed an a
verage increase of 81.6% in run time. These split ring wiper pumps cle
an the barrel of sand before the passing of the plunger. The other app
roach was to keep the sand from entering the pumps. When downhole filt
ers were used, the run life of the pumps with the filters increases 13
5%. Well-pulling cost savings of U.S. $11.91 per well day and U.S. $9.
24 per well day are documented for the PAP pumps and filters, respecti
vely. Application guidelines based on the sand-loading rate and gross
liquid production of the wells are presented, as well as some operatio
nal experiences.