In applying nodal analysis to optimize the performance of a single wel
l, it is critical that we are able to estimate the pressure drop acros
s each of the components of a complete well system, from the outer bou
ndary of the reservoir to the sandface, from the tubing string to the
separator including any restrictions, safety valves, and surface choke
. Relationships for rate vs. pressure drop under single- and two-phase
flow conditions are available for most of the components with the exc
eption of perforations and gravel pack. This paper presents the proced
ure for calculating the pressure drop across perforations and gravel p
ack under two-phase flow conditions. Results are presented indicating
the difference between single- and two-phase flow calculations. It is
shown that if the two-phase flow is not properly accounted for, we can
significantly underestimate the pressure drop across the gravel pack
and perforations.