Using COTS components poses serious threats to system security. The au
thors analyze the risks and describe how their sandbox method can conf
ine the damage potential of COTS components. The sandbox model was ori
ginally developed for fault tolerance. Rather than eliminating actual
failures, it pro vides a restricted environment to confine application
behavior. The approach confines the damage caused if an application a
ccidentally or maliciously misbehaves. The authors' sandbox method dif
fers from Java's, in that it is built with OS support rather than with
support from a particular language. In this article, they describe th
e Sendmail version of their sandbox method. Their approach requires B-
level security features not found on most conventional OSs. Typically
developed for government or military use, B-level-certified OSs have m
ore sophisticated security features. The authors explain that their me
thod does not eliminate security problems but rather mitigates the dam
age caused by compromised applications and thus prevents most common s
ecurity breaches. Untrusted COTS components can thus be safely plugged
into a system without major reengineering, provided there is a suitab
le security platform.