ADULT rats were prepared with either sham or medial prefrontal cortex
lesions and administered, beginning on the third post-operative day, e
ither, 0, 40, or 80 mg kg(-1) crude ginseng extract suspended in salin
e daily for the next 30 days. Later, kinetic functions were evaluated
on an elevated rotating rod. No long-term influences of the treatments
were observed on this task. Significant positive influences of ginsen
g were observed in the position reversal task. The learning deficits o
bserved in the saline control brain-damaged rats were significantly at
tenuated in the ginseng-treated animals. An analysis of trial 2 respon
se accuracy across reversals revealed enhanced cognitive abilities (i.
e. acquisition of a win-stay, lose-shift strategy) in both the brain d
amaged and sham control rats administered ginseng. Generally, administ
ration of the higher dose resulted in better performance in the learni
ng paradigm. The exact mechanism responsible for these promising resul
ts remains to be discovered. Several possible mechanisms are discussed
. (C) 1998 Rapid Science Ltd.