The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth of adolescents with obsess
ive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Body heights and body mass indices (BMIs; ex
pressed in kg m(-2)) of 51 adolescent patients with OCD were compared with
the corresponding anthropometric variables in age- and sex-matched psychiat
ric controls and in a general population sample, respectively. In accordanc
e with a previous epidemiologically based investigation, body heights and w
eights were found to be reduced, especially in male patients with OCD. The
body mass indices of the patients with OCD were significantly lower than th
ose of age-matched control patients and population controls. However, some
of the parameters were also reduced in male psychiatric controls, indicatin
g that the reductions are not entirely specific for adolescent OCD. The res
ults suggest a neuroendocrine dysfunction in adolescent OCD. The low body m
ass index indicates that psychiatric disorders other than anorexia nervosa
are associated with underweight during adolescence.