Low-molecular-weight heparin is a relatively recent addition to the list of
therapies for prophylaxis and treatment;of deep venous thrombosis (DVT). A
s a prophylactic, low-molecular-weight heparin is as effective as standard
heparin or warfarin and does not require monitoring of the activated partia
l thromboplastin time or the International Normalized Ratio. Traditionally,
treatment for DVT required patients to be hospitalized for administration
of intravenous heparin. With subcutaneous injections of low-molecular-weigh
t heparin, treatment of DVT can be initiated or completed in the outpatient
setting with no increased risk of recurrent thromboembolism or bleeding co
mplications. Low-molecular-weight heparin is an attractive option for use i
n patients with a first episode of DVT, no risk factors for bleeding and th
e ability to administer injections with or without the help of a visiting n
urse or family member.