In the spring of 1996, multiple cases of an acute febrile illness resulting
in several deaths in remote locations in Peru were reported to the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The clinical syndromes for these
cases included dysphagia and encephalitis. Because bat bites were a common
occurrence in the affected areas, the initial clinical diagnosis was rabie
s. However, rabies was discounted primarily because of reported patient rec
overy. Samples of brain tissue from two of the fatal cases were received at
CDC for laboratory confirmation of the rabies diagnosis. An extensive arra
y of tests on the formalin-fixed tissues confirmed the presence of both rab
ies viral antigen and nucleic acid. The virus was shown to be most closely
related to a vampire bat rabies isolate. These results indicate the importa
nce of maintaining rabies in the differential diagnosis of acute febrile en
cephalitis, particularly in areas where exposure to vampire bats may occur.