The performance of an air-assist pressure-swirl atomizer and, more importan
t, its limitations are described. The design of the present atomizer is bas
ed on a pressure-swirl nozzle, but differs from conventional single-phase p
ressure-swirl designs in that the liquidfiltn in the exit orifice is stabil
ized by axially injecting air through the upstream plane of the swirl chamb
The present study includes drop size data obtained using a Malvern 2600 HSD
particle size analyzer: Atomizer performance was assessed using three diff
erent nozzle configurations and four different liquids. The drop size data
indicate that an increase in liquid supply pressure, liquid mass flow, rate
, or aatomizing air-to-liquid ratio by mass (ALR) leads to a decrease in Sa
uter mean diameter (SMD). It also shows that spray quality (i.e., mean drop
size) is independent of swirl chamber geometry at constant liquid supply p
ressure and ALR for low viscosity liquids, Atomizer exit orifice diameter h
as little effect on SMD when operating at constant liquid supply pressure f
ar these same low-viscosity liquids. However, the effects of liquid mass fl
ow rate and exit orifice diameter are coupled with an increase in exit orif
ice diameter, lending to mt increase ill SMD when liquid mass flow rate is
constant The influence of both swirl chamber and exit orifice diameter is e
nhanced when liquid viscosity climbs to 0.010 kg/m-s. In these cases, SMD i
ncreases,vith a decrease in swirl chamber diameter regardless of whether li
quid mass flow rate or supply pressure is kept constant. SMD continues to d
ecrease with a decrease in exit orifice diameter for both the constant liqu
id mass flow rate and constant liquid supply pressure cases. Finally, the d
ata indicate that mean drop size increases with an increase in either liqui
d viscosity or surface tension.
A first principles model was developed to explain the observed SMD scaling
with operating conditions, nozzle configuration, and liquid physical proper
ties. It combines the classical inviscid analysis for the flow inside a pre
ssure-swirl atomizer with a correlation for the air-to-liquid velocity slip
ratio, a geometric model for ligament formation, and a linear fluid mechan
ical instability analysis to describe ligament breakup. Model predictions r
eflect the observed SMD scaling with variations in liquid supply pressure,
liquid mass flow rate, ALR, swirl chamber diameter, exit orifice chamber di
ameter, and surface tension. Accuracy is best for intermediate and high liq
uid delivery rates, Viscosity scaling is not captured accurately, That lack
is ascribed to the inviscid internal flow model employed here, which canno
t account for rite increase in liquid film thickness with an increase in li
quid viscosity.