1-Anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) anion is conventionally considered
to bind to preexisting hydrophobic (nonpolar) surfaces of proteins, primari
ly through its nonpolar anilinonaphthalene group. Such binding is followed
by an increase in ANS fluorescence intensity, similar to that occuring when
ANS is dissolved in organic solvents. It is generally assumed that neither
the negative sulfonate charge on the ANS, nor charges on the protein, part
icipate significantly in ANS-protein interaction. However, titration calori
metry has demonstrated that most ANS binding to a number of proteins occurs
through electrostatic forces in which ion pairs are formed between ANS sul
fonate groups and cationic groups on the proteins (D. Matulis and R. E. Lov
rien, Biophys. J., 1998, Vol. 74, pp. 1-8). Here we show by viscometry and
diffusion coefficient measurements that bovine serum albumin and gamma-glob
ulin, starting from their acid-expanded, most hydrated conformations, under
go extensive molecular compaction upon ANS binding. As the cationic protein
binds negatively charged ANS anion it also takes up positively charged pro
tons from water to compensate the effect of the negative charge, and leaves
the free hydroxide anions in solution thus shifting pH upward (the Scatcha
rd-Black effect). These results indicate that AWS is not always a definitiv
e reporter of protein molecular conformation that existed before ANS bindin
g. Instead, ANS reports on a conformationally tightened state produced by t
he interplay of ionic and hydrophobic characters of both protein and ligand
. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.