The term "paraneoplastic neurological syndromes" encompasses a number of un
common disorders associated with systemic malignancies. In order to be clas
sified a paraneoplastic neurological syndrome, the malignancies must not in
vade, compress, or metastasize to the nervous system, They can either focal
ly or diffusely involve the central and peripheral nervous system or the ne
uromuscular junction.
This paper reviews the neuropathology of the syndrome. It will first descri
be the clinical presentation and give an account of the systemic tumors mos
t commonly associated with the various types of disorders. Then it will rev
iew the general pathological features that consist of an inflammatory proce
ss predominantly affecting the gray matter. Finally, it will describe in de
tail the main clinico-pathological types, including 1) encephalomyelitis, 2
) cortical cerebellar degeneration, 3) peripheral neuropathy, 4) opsoclonus
-myoclonus and 5) retinopathy, The Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome will b
e dealt with separately in another paper in this symposium.