Dermatology in-patient units are frequently threatened with reduction or cl
osure, yet there are few objective data regarding the nature and use of in-
patient management with which to assess their value, We have surveyed 300 p
atients admitted during March 1997 to dermatology units throughout Scotland
and Northern England, to establish their clinical and social, profile, and
the outcome of admission. All departments provided phototherapy and but-pa
tient treatment services, and 84% of those admitted lived within an hour's
travel of one of these. Three diagnostic groups (psoriasis, eczema and leg
ulcers) accounted for 83% of in-patient days. Patients were admitted princi
pally because of disease severity but many, including half of those with ps
oriasis, had concurrent medical problems Such as alcohol abuse, psychiatric
disorder or arthropathy. Many patients willi psoriasis and leg ulcers were
from socially:deprived areas, as defined by low Carstairs index scores, an
d a: similar proportion received income support. Eighteen per cent of patie
nts, mainly those with acute. disorders, would have needed admission irresp
ective of dermatology bed availability. Out-patient management was consider
ed the next best alternative for-only 28% of patients, and many patients wo
uld have been expected to treat themselves. By Contrast, 84% of patients ad
mitted were cleared or substantially improved, or had procedures completed
as planned, and another 12% were partially improved. Outcomes were particul
arly good in psoriasis, eczema,and infection groups. We have demonstrated t
hat in-patient management is highly effective in providing remission in chr
onic skin disease, and:our survey also suggests that concomitant disability
or social factors mean that for many such patients ambulatory care cannot
replace this service.