More and more foreign tourists are being treated at the American Hospital o
f Paris.
The main reasons for this are the presence of a 24 hour medical and dental
emergency service, in addition to the availability of MR1, CT scan and comp
rehensive laboratory facilities.
The hospital is multidisciplinary where short stay hospitalizations are the
English is the second most commonl used language.
There is a permanent Japanese language service for Japanese patients.
Qualitative data is presented concerning the management of patients accordi
ng to specialty and nationality
American and Japanese patients admitted to the hospital in 1997 are surveye
d according to their mean age, reasons for admission and appropriate specia
lty as well as mean length of stay noted. The greatest number of hospitaliz
ations in decreasing order and according to nationality are as follows. Ame
rican, Japanese, Moroccan, Egyptian and Saudi Arabian.
The consultations and hospitalizations of Japanese patients between 1990 an
d 1997 are compared.