We set up a simple model for the optical properties of carbon particles in
which the particles are considered to be a mixture of two materials-a graph
itic and an amorphous material. Several models for the geometrical arrangem
ent of these materials are discussed. Based on these models, the optical ex
tinction cross-sections of small spherical carbon particles of different in
ternal structures are calculated in the framework of classical electromagne
tic theory. For ordered structures such as onion-shaped particles, analytic
al formulas are used, while for disordered structures effective-medium form
alisms are applied which take into account the anisotropy of graphite and w
hich have become available only recently. We find that the shape and positi
on of the UV feature in the optical extinction at ca. 220 nm depends on the
internal structure of the particle. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rig
hts reserved.