Background Recent studies have reported that a large head circumference at
birth is associated with an increased risk of raised serum IgE in adult lif
e, and asthma during childhood.
Objective To examine the relationship between head circumference and other
anthropometric measurements at birth and asthma and indices of atopy in chi
Methods The presence of asthma and measures of atopic status (total serum I
gE level and skin prick tests to common allergens) were: assessed prospecti
vely: in offspring of families participating in a community-based genetic s
tudy in Southampton, UK. measures of perinatal variables including birth we
ight, head circumference at birth and gestational age were obtained from ho
spital records of 239 offspring aged 6-23 years.
Results Children with a head circumference of 37 cm or more at birth had a
relative risk of an elevated serum total IgE (> 150 TU) of 3.2 (95% CI 1.0-
10.4). There were no consistent relationships between head circumference at
birth and either skin prick positivity or the development of clinical asth
ma. There was no significant association between other perinatal markers an
d measures of atopic status or clinical asthma.
Conclusion The study has identified that a large head circumference at birt
h is associated with an increased risk of an elevated total serum IgE in ch
ildhood. The reasons for this association, and the lack of an association w
ith asthma are unclear and will require further research.