This paper presents some of the research activities of the research gr
oup in vision as a grand challenge problem whose solution is estimated
to need the power of Tflop/s computers and for which computational me
thods have yet to be developed. The concerned approaches are biologica
lly motivated, in that we try to mimic and use mechanisms employed by
natural vision systems, more specifically the visual system of primate
s. Visual information representations which are motivated by the funct
ion of the primary visual cortex, more specifically by the function of
so-called simple cells, are computed. Three different methods for usi
ng such representations to solve image pattern recognition problems ar
e presented. These are: (i) extraction and comparison of lower-dimensi
on representations, (ii) computing optimal mappings of an image onto o
ther images by optic flow techniques and (iii) application of a seif-o
rganising neural network classifier. The problems of automatic recogni
tion and classification of visual patterns, in particular the discrimi
nation of human faces, are used to test the usefulness and feasibility
of these approaches.