Computing resources which are transparently available to the user via
networked environments are commonly called a metacomputer. In this sen
se, a metacomputer is a network of heterogeneous, computational resour
ces linked by software in such a way that they can be used as easily a
s a single computational unit. During the last few years our work has
been concentrated on developing methods and tools to provide a transpa
rent and vendor independent hardware management system to the users. S
olving this problem up to a high abstraction level will bring the idea
of metacomputing a large step closer to its fruition. After reviewing
the metacomputing approaches in Europe and the States, we will break
down the task force into almost independent units. One of these, the r
esource access and allocation problem, the project Computing Center So
ftware was focused on. This paper takes a closer look at CCS. Its unde
rlying model which uses abstract views for specifying system component
s and the general purpose Resource Description Language will be sketch
ed. We will explain how it is possible to support Wide-Area Network ac
cess and unstable connection lines. Afterwards, we will present the sy
stem and vendor independent batch processing facility usable for arbit
rary programming environments. On-going activities and an enhancement
of the CCS methodology to solve a core problem in wide-area metacomput
ing will conclude this paper.