Major alluvial plains contain large tracts of fine-grained muddy sediments,
deposited away from the main river channels, which are mostly classed as o
verbank or floodplain deposits. Systematic study of the Ganga plain shows t
hat such large tracts of deposition of muddy sediments are located several
metres above the major channels, and are not flooded by overtopping of the
major river channels. These surfaces are here designated as upland interflu
ve areas (Doab) where deposition of fine-grained sediments takes place inde
pendent of the processes operating in the main channels. The surfaces show
distinct depositional domains with characteristic deposits. These include h
igher sloping surfaces (mottled silt), lower flat surfaces (variegated clay
ey silt), gulleys (sandy silt), small channels (mottled silty sand), ponds
(shelly sandy clayey silt), lakes (shelly clayey silt). These deposits are
prone to diagenetic changes, especially the development of calcrete horizon
s. Redistribution of these domains through time produces characteristic mud
-dominant alluvial stratigraphy as observed in the Late Quaternary deposits
of the Ganga plain. This succession shows similarity to mud-dominant depos
its of the Siwalik succession. These Doab deposits are distinct from the ov
erbank deposits formed close to the river channels affected by channel proc
esses. It is argued that many of the thick mud-dominant fluvial deposits of
the ancient fluvial record are products of deposition in upland interfluve