1. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availabilities are important ecological
determinants of resource use in nature, Despite the wide range of hosts use
d by species of the genus Drosophila, elemental composition of natural reso
urces of these flies has never been investigated.
2. Total body N and P contents were determined in seven species of wild-cau
ght Drosophila, their natural hosts, and artificial diets routinely used to
rear these flies in the laboratory. The flies tested included D. hydei, D,
arizonae, D. simulans and D. pseudoobscura collected from rotting fruit (m
elons), and the cactophilic D. nigrospiracula, D. mojavensis and D. pachea
collected from their specific host plants, Saguaro, Organpipe and Senita ca
ctus, respectively.
3. Natural hosts varied in elemental composition, with fruit showing higher
N (2.8-4.3% dry mass) and P (0.50-0.67%) levels compared with cacti (0.5-1
.6% N; 0.01-0.29% P). No consistent differences in N and P levels were foun
d between healthy and necrotic cactus tissue.
4. Total body N and P also varied among Drosophila species. This variation
mirrored the levels of N and P found in the respective hosts and laboratory
diets. N:P ratios were consistently lower in female flies compared with co
nspecific males suggesting phosphorus demands during oogenesis are high.
5. Potential mechanisms by which Drosophila deal with N or P limitation in
nature are discussed.