Ozone (O-3) measurements made with the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectromet
er (ILAS) onboard the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) were valid
ated with correlative ozonesonde measurements conducted at five stations, A
ndoya, Kiruna and Yakutsk in the Northern Hemisphere, and Neumayer and Syow
a in the Southern Hemisphere. The ILAS Version 3.10 O-3 vertical profiles w
ere compared with 79 correlative ozonesonde measurements that were made wit
hin 500 km and 3 hours in distance and time differences, respectively. The
comparisons indicate that ILAS O-3 typically has an accuracy within 20% bet
ween 12 and 35 km. The precision of the ILAS O-3 is estimated to be +/-10-2
5% between 12 and 20 km, +/-5-7% between 20 and 30 km, and +/-5% between 30
and 40 km.