Since the widespread use of transvaginal ultrasound to diagnose polycystic
ovary syndrome (PCOS), a cardinal feature has been shown to be the presence
of a bright, highly echogenic stroma. This is usually assessed subjectivel
y, The objective of this study was to determine whether ovarian stromal ech
ogenicity when measured objectively actually differed between women with po
lycystic ovaries and those with normal ovaries. A total of 67 women underwe
nt a detailed ultrasound assessment before considering assisted conception
treatment. Ovarian morphology was assessed and total ovarian volume, stroma
l volume, peak stromal blood flow velocity and mean stromal echogenicity we
re measured. The stromal index (ratio of mean stromal echogenicity to mean
echogenicity of the entire ovary) and total stromal echogenicity were also
calculated. Ovarian volume, stromal volume, and stromal peak blood flow vel
ocity were all significantly higher in ovaries from women with PCOS. There
was no difference in the mean stromal echogenicity, although the stromal in
dex was significantly greater in women with polycystic ovaries. The apparen
t subjective increase in stromal echogenicity in women with polycystic ovar
ies, as exemplified by the greater stromal index, is due to a combination o
f the increased volume of ovarian stroma and the significantly lower mean e
chogenicity of the entire ovary in these women.