The occurrence of power supply anomalies (e.g., voltage sags, surges and sw
ells, sustained under and overvoltages, etc.) originating on the secondary
side of rural facilities and high utilization voltage levels can often dama
ge and/or disrupt rural computerized processes, electric equipment, and int
errupt loads, a costly issue for rural society. This paper will attempt to
answer several questions concerning the frequency and duration of voltage s
ags, swells, and surges posed by rural customers and reveal the statistical
characteristics of the utlization voltage levels at rural sites. The answe
rs to these questions mill be based on the national survey results of the f
requency and duration of voltage sags and surges at rural sites monitored a
t their utilization voltage levels. The survey results provide a knowledge
base for monitoring, operating electric equipment, and designing and utiliz
ing power quality mitigating technologies in rural electric environments.