Human parvovirus B19 can persist in immunocompromised patients and may prod
uce severe clinical illness. In this retrospective study the incidence of B
19-associated infections in bone marrow transplant patients was investigate
d. During 1 year 60 patients received bone marrow grafts (eight autografts
and 52 allogeneic transplantations). In case of early onset, atypical or st
eroid-resistant erythrodermia the patients' blood and/or tissue specimens w
ere screened for B19 infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Addition
ally, specimens of patients with severe organ failure were tested, A total
of 64 PCRs was performed in 27 patients. Seven patients with erythrodermia
and one with vulvovaginitis proved to be BCR positive. In patients with org
an failure B19 DNA was detected in the myocardium and liver. The incidence
of B19 infections in this cohort was 15% and the B19-associated mortality r
ate 7%. In conclusion, parvovirus B19-associated infections may be more com
mon in immunocompromised patients than previously anticipated.