We randomized 18 critically ill patients to receive ceftazidime 6 g/day by
continuous infusion or bolus dosing (2 g 8 hourly), each with a loading dos
e of 12 mg/kg ceftazidime. During the first 8 h, plasma ceftazidime concent
ration fell below 40 mg/L in only one patient (trough 38 mg/L) from the inf
usion group, compared with eight from the bolus group (2-33 mg/L) for perio
ds ranging from 73 to 369 min. Thereafter all infusion patients; remained a
bove 40 mg/L for 40 h of study versus 20-30% of bolus patients. The pharmac
okinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of ceftazidime suggest that co
ntinuous infusions should be clinically investigated in outcome studies.