The newly isolated bacterial strain GP1 can utilize 1,2-dibromoethane as th
e sole carbon and energy source. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence ana
lysis, the organism was identified as a member of the subgroup which contai
ns the fast-growing mycobacteria, The first step in 1,2-dibromoethane metab
olism is catalyzed by a hydrolytic haloalkane dehalogenase, The resulting 2
-bromoethanol is rapidly converted to ethylene oxide by a haloalcohol dehal
ogenase, in this way preventing the accumulation of 2-bromoethanol and 2-br
omoacetaldehyde as toxic intermediates. Ethylene oxide can serve as a growt
h substrate for strain GP1, but the pathway(s) by which it is further metab
olized is still unclear. Strain GP1 can also utilize 1-chloropropane, 1-bro
mopropane, 2-bromoethanol, and 2-chloroethanol as growth substrates, 2-Chlo
roethanol and 2-bromoethanol are metabolized via ethylene oxide, which for
both haloalcohols is a no,el way to remove the halide without going through
the corresponding acetaldehyde intermediate, The haloalkane dehalogenase g
ene was cloned and sequenced. The dehalogenase (DhaA(f)) encoded by this ge
ne is identical to the haloalkane dehalogenase (DhaA) of Rhodococcus rhodoc
hrous NCIMB 13064, except for three amino acid substitutions and a 14-amino
-acid extension at the C terminus, Alignments of the complete dehalogenase
gene region of strain GP1 with DNA sequences in different databases showed
that a large part of a dhaA gene region, which Is also present in R. rhodoc
hrous NCIMB 13064, was fused to a fragment of a haloalcohol dehalogenase ge
ne that was identical to the last 42 nucleotides of the hheB gene found in
Corynebacterium sp, strain N-1074.