We consider a logistic model for binary response data that allows the possi
bility of power transformation of x; that is, log[p/(1-p)] = alpha+beta x((
lambda)) +gamma I, where x is a continuous variable, x((lambda)) is the Box
-Cox transformation, and I is a binary variable indicating treatment or gro
up. This model is applicable to observational studies or randomized trials
when a treatment effect is: investigated after controlling for a confoundin
g variable x. Our focus is on inference concerning gamma, the treatment eff
ect. In the analysis, a common approach might be to treat the estimated val
ue of lambda as tired and ignore uncertainty associated with its estimation
in inference about gamma. Alternatively, we might perform an unconditional
analysis in which lambda is regarded as a parameter. We show that under th
e null hypothesis. gamma = 0, these two approaches are asymptotically equiv
alent if the two groups have the same distribution of x and the same sample
size. This result also holds for the situation of multiple covariates each
with their own transformation. Furthermore, we find that when gamma not eq
ual 0 and when there is reasonable overlap between the two distributions of
x given I, the two procedures differ asymptotically; however, the differen
ce between them is extremely small. The asymptotic findings are supported b
y a simulation study.