At the cellular level, each myocardial electrical event consists in a depol
arization wave, the action potential, with a fast rising phase followed by
a plateau of more or less complex shape depending on the species, the tissu
e and the recording area. The development of this depolarization wave resul
ts from inward ionic currents becoming larger than outward currents, wherea
s its decay, i.e. its repolarization, results from outward currents becomin
g larger than inward currents. In several pathological conditions (hypertro
phy, dilatation, heart failure, diabetes, etc.) the action potential is usu
ally markedly lengthened, whereas the transient outward current, I-to, know
n to induce a fast initial repolarization is reduced or suppressed. This is
for example the case in moderate (partial reduction of I-to) and severe hy
pertrophy (almost complete suppression of I-to). Because I-to is a transien
t current it can control duration of brief action potentials as in human at
rial myocytes but not that of long lasting action potentials as in human ve
ntricular myocytes. In the latter it can induce mainly a very transient ini
tial repolarization often forming a deep notch at the beginning of the plat
eau. In dogs and apparently also in humans I-to is almost absent in ventric
ular endocardial layers. In contrast, it is prominent in both epicardial an
d mid-layers. When inward currents are depressed by liscl-lernia, the notch
can become locally so deep that a sudden lass of the major part of the pla
teau can occur, thus inducing a dramatic increase in repolarization heterog
eneity, a situation known to be the source of severe ventricular arrhythmia
s. Because such an event requires a large I,, to occur, the I,, depression,
or suppression, observed ill several cardiopathies may be considered as a
protective mechanism against certain ischemia-induced ventricular arrhythmi
as, Cardiac dilatation and failure are also frequently associated with acti
on potential lengthening and I,, depression. Such alterations have been sho
wn to occur in different animal models in which hypertrophy does not develo
p as shown by the absence of any increase in cell size and capacitance. The
action potential lengthening observed in severe hypertrophy and dilatation
does not entirely result from I,,, suppression. Other changes have been de
scribed in different models but not all, such as a decrease in the sustaine
d outward current, I,, or the background It current, I,,, and, more consist
ently, in increase in the sodium calcium exchange current, INa-Cal, whereas
reported changes in calcium current I-CaL, appear largely variable. I-CaL
remains frequently unchanged. during hypertrophy whereas I,,, depression ha
s been reported in some conditions of marked dilatation. Cardiomyopathies a
re frequently associated with ventricular arrhythmias. They can result from
re-entry, as in the case of an increased repolarization heterogeneity and/
or fragmented conduction pathways. In the cardiomyopathic myocyte several s
ources of automatism can also result from currents which are poorly develop
ed in the normal myocardium such as the low threshold calcium current, I,,,
or the pacemaker current, I, which can be more strongly activated in the d
iseased than in the normal heart. Recent developments in molecular biology
have shown that repolarizing currents such as I-to and I-sus result from ac
tivation of channels (alpha-subunits) of the Kv type which can belong to di
fferent subfamilies and can be composed of homo or heterotetramers from a g
iven subfamily.
The fact that I-to is a transient current whereas I-sus is not, results fro
m the presence in the I-to molecule of one or more (up to four) amino termi
ni forming an inactivation gale: of the <<ball and chain>> type which can o
cclude the activated channels. In addition beta subunits that are, or can b
e, closely associated with I-to or I-sus channels also possess an inactivat
ion gate that can inactivate non-inactivating channels or accelerate inacti
vation of inactivating channels, thus complicating the analysis of I-to. No
twithstanding this complexity, a successful correction of action potential
lengthening in cells front failing heart by adenoviral gene transfer has be
en reported.