Patterns of recruitment and succession on ceramic settlement panels were ex
amined in a subtidal marine community in eastern Australia to determine whe
ther competition for settlement space with temperate biota was a factor pot
entially limiting the development of coral communities in a subtropical loc
ation. Replicate settlement panels were installed at Split Solitary Island
(30 degrees S) in November 1992 and were destructively sampled after 1, 3,
5, 7, 10, 12, 16 and 29 months. Species richness and community structure da
ta were analysed by non-parametric multivariate analysis. Space on panel su
rfaces was rapidly occupied; the upper surfaces by algae and the lower surf
aces by bryozoans, ascidians and sponges, with a divergence of community st
ructure over time. Of the 228 coral recruits identified on the panels, 98%
were recorded on the upper surface of panels, in contrast to studies at mos
t tropical sites where corals recruit predominantly to lower surfaces. Owin
g to the rapid settlement of other biota, free space for coral settlement w
as limited and this may account for the low coral recruitment rate recorded
. High post-settlement mortality (>94%) of coral recruits over a 3-month pe
riod indicated the significance of post-settlement factors in accounting fo
r low recruitment in settlement-panel studies.