Thrombopoietin (TPO) and its receptor Mpl support all of the developmental
step necessary for megakaryocytopoiesis. In the past few years, the signali
ng pathways utilized by this member of the cytokine receptor family have be
en extensively studied, especially JAK/STAT, Ras/MAP kinase, Shc, and other
adapter molecules. Many if not most of the secondary signaling pathways ac
tivated by thrombopoietin have also been identified upon binding of other h
ematopoietic growth factors to their cognate receptors, making the study of
Mpl signaling representative of the field in general. However, identifying
unique molecules or combinations of signals that direct megakaryocyte deve
lopment has been an elusive goal and has led some investigators to conclude
that there is little specificity during Mpl signal transduction. In this a
rticle we review the data regarding Mpl signaling with particular attention
to the methods employed and critical interpretation of the data generated.
Future studies will have to focus on primary bone marrow cells and intact
animal models rather than transformed cell lines. Furthermore, it is likely
that a comprehensive, integrative analysis of the many pathways activated
by ligand binding will be necessary to understand the physiology of cytokin
e signaling, (C) 1999 Academic Press.