The occurrence of ozone concentrations and exposure indices related to
the adverse effects of ozone upon vegetation are reported for four Fi
nnish background stations. In Finland, ozone concentrations are often
near the background tropospheric values of cn. 30 ppb. Very high conce
ntrations are not observed. The maximum 1-h average in this data set w
as 79 ppb. The exposure parameter, which accumulates growing season 1-
h average concentrations above a 40 ppb base-line in daylight hours, g
ave clearly different exposure sums for the stations. These values var
ied between 4000 and 8500 ppb-h in the southern archipelago, 3000-6500
ppb-h in the southern coastal region, 2000-4000 ppb-h in central part
s of the country, and 400-1000 ppb-h in the northern parts of the coun
try. The date of the start of the vegetative season is important in hi
gh northern latitudes, because the spring maximum of ozone concentrati
ons is relatively intense compared to the summer maximum. In northern
Scandinavia, ozone exposures are particularly sensitive to the date of
the start of the growing season. The long daylight period in northern
Scandinavia is less important in this respect, since during the growi
ng season ozone concentrations are usually below 40 ppb during the mor
ning and evening hours. A good correlation was found between growing s
eason average concentrations of the sum of gaseous HNO3 and particulat
e NO3-, and on ozone exposure index which accumulates concentrations a
bove a 40 ppb base-line, confirming the anthropogenic origin of the el
evated ozone exposures.