A theory describing evolution of the ice thickness distribution (the p
robability density of ice thickness) was proposed by Thorndike et al.
(1975) and has been used in several sea ice models. The advantage of t
his theory over the widely used two-level formulation is that it treat
s ridging explicitly as a redistribution of ice thickness, and ice str
ength as a function of energy losses incurred by ridge formation. Howe
ver, the parameterization of these processes remains rather speculativ
e and largely untested, arid so our purpose here is to explore these p
arameterizations using a numerical model based on this theory. The mod
el uses a 160-km resolution grid of the Arctic and 7 years of observed
atmospheric forcing data (1979-1985). Monthly oceanic heat flux and c
urrent fields are obtained from a 40-km resolution coupled ice-ocean m
odel run separately with the same forcing. By requiring the computed m
onthly mean ice drift to have the same magnitude as observed buoy drif
t, we estimate the primary strength parameter: the ratio of total to p
otential energy change during ridging. This ratio depends on the value
of other parameters; however, the standard case has a ratio of 17 whi
ch is within the range estimated by Hopkins (1994) in simulations of i
ndividual ridging events. The effects of ridge redistribution and shea
r ridging parameters are illustrated by a series of sensitivity studie
s and comparisons between observed and modeled ice thickness distribut
ions and ridge statistics. In addition, these comparisons highlight th
e following shortcomings of the thickness distribution theory as it is
presently implemented: first, the process of first-year to multiyear
ridge consolidation is ignored; and second, the observed preferential
melt of thick ridged ice is not reproduced.