Objective: To compare the outcomes of second eye cataract surgery with thos
e of first eye surgery. In particular, to evaluate changes in visual acuity
(VA), visual function, and health status after the first and second eye su
Designs A cohort (case series) analysis of patients recruited in a clinical
Participants: A total of 403 consecutive patients with indication of noncom
bined first eye or second eye cataract surgery were recruited in 3 public h
ospitals in Barcelona, Spain, First eye surgery patients are compared to se
cond eye surgery patients.
Intervention: Patients were evaluated both before surgery and 4 months afte
r surgery by a standardized telephone interview and clinical examination.
Main Outcome Measures: Visual acuity, visual function index (VF-14), a 14-i
tem instrument designed to measure visual function, and the Sickness Impact
Profile (SIP), a generic measure of health status.
Results: Full data were obtained from 315 (78%) patients: 249 who underwent
first eye surgery only and 66 different patients who underwent second eye
surgery. Significant improvement was found in both groups of patients for b
est-corrected VA in the operated eye (4.4 Snellen lines, P < 0.001; 4.2 Sne
llen lines, P < 0.001, respectively), VA in the better eye (2.8 Snellen lin
es, P < 0.001; 1.4 Snellen lines, P < 0.001), and visual function (26.3 Sne
llen lines, P < 0.001; 17.0 Snellen lines; P < 0.001). Four months after th
e operation, the VF-14 of the second eye group was slightly better (93.4 vs
. 88.5; P = 0.09; score range: 0, worst, to 100, best). Psyche-social SIP s
cores improved in both groups (4.8, P < 0.001; 3.1, P = 0.016). Physical SI
P score improved only in the first eye surgery group (1.8, P = 0.003) but n
ot in the second eye surgery group (-1.0, P = 0.338; score range: 0, best,
to 100, worst).
Conclusions: The results of our study suggest that patients undergoing seco
nd eye cataract surgery show significant improvements in VA, visual functio
n, and psycho-social health status. However, global and physical health sta
tus does not change after second eye cataract surgery.