The present survey examines possible trends in the ecology of ostracod asse
mblages in a small Mediterranean river affected heavily by sewage and indus
trial effluents. Between January and July 1995, ten sampling stations situa
ted along a 50 km stretch of the main channel of the River Magre (Valencia,
eastern Iberian Peninsula) were sampled monthly (physico-chemical variable
s being measured simultaneously). Although the entire sire fauna was used t
o calculate diversity and biotic indexes, only Ostracoda were studied in de
pth, as little is known of the ecological preferences of this group. Ostrac
od assemblages encompassed 10 species, the most abundant genera being Herpe
tocypris and Heterocypris. Most species peaked in abundance towards the end
of the study period (May-June) when water temperatures were rising. Ostrac
ods were completely absent from the most disturbed sites, i.e. those with t
he lowest water quality index values. Different ostracod assemblages occurr
ed along a gradient from high pollution towards the final 'recovery' zone.
Combined classification (TWINSPAN, MDA) and ordination (DCA) techniques usi
ng species and site variable data showed that different groups of samples,
related to the abundance of a particular ostracod assemblage, were linked t
o particular habitat features. Eucypris virens appeared in samples near to
the source in winter, and in the early months of spring. During this period
these sites were characterised by cool waters and relatively high alkalini
ty/Cl- ratios. Furthermore two major groups of samples were related to the
relative abundance of either Heterocypris incongruens and Herpetocypris int
ermedia, or Herpetocypris brevicaudata. Moderately polluted, clean waters a
re linked to these two groups, respectively. Additional division of both gr
oups of samples was based on the total abundance of individual animals, and
may be related to water temperature and season. These results may be used
to assess possible changes in the trophic status of a palaeoenvironment whe
n the species taken into account are recorded from a given sedimentary sequ
ence. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.