The reaction coordinate for a unimolecular dissociation reaction is intrins
ically anharmonic, therefore the period of vibration depends upon the energ
y in the bond. Consequently, the final few vibrations leading up to and inc
luding reaction can occur over very different time scales, depending upon t
he amount of vibrational energy in the reaction coordinate. In recent studi
es, we have compared ensembles of reactive trajectories and have observed c
orrelations in molecular motions during reaction leading up to the transiti
on state. If the comparison is made in time, differences in the periods of
the reaction coordinate vibration can obscure these correlations. However,
if the reactions are compared vibration by vibration (i.e., coherently) cle
ar patterns of vibrational motions emerge in the reaction dynamics. In this
paper, we introduce a new application of the Hilbert transform to assign o
scillator phases to the motions of anharmonic oscillators, which permits co
herent comparison of trajectories. We also demonstrate by several examples
that, when compared coherently, reaction dynamics of HN3 exhibit order whic
h is not evident in time series comparisons. These orderly patterns of moti
ons reflect the intramolecular conditions necessary for reaction to occur.
We propose a model to account for the observed correlated motion in terms o
f the requirements for intramolecular energy transfer. As a consequence of
the constraints of energy transfer, the phases of several oscillators have
clearly defined relative values. Physically this corresponds to a correlati
on in the vibrations of several modes such that (for example) two key bonds
always extend simultaneously during the course of reaction. Since the moti
ons of atoms preceding reaction are not random, but rather follow a specifi
c pattern, a restricted set of reactant states immediately precede reaction