Objective. To describe the home literacy environment and to identify financ
ial, human, and social capital variables associated with the presence or la
ck of Child Centered Literacy Orientation (CCLO) in families with young chi
ldren who regularly attend pediatric primary care clinics.
Design. Cross-sectional case-control analysis of structured parent intervie
ws conducted in two hospital-based and four community-based pediatric clini
cs in New England.
Subjects. Parents of 199 healthy 1- to 5-year-old children whose mean age w
as 30 +/- 15 (SD) months were interviewed. Parents were primarily mothers (
94%) with a mean age of 28 +/- 7 (SD) years 60% of whom were single. Educat
ional levels of study parents varied: 43% had not graduated from high schoo
l, 29% had a high school equivalency, and 28% had at least a year of colleg
e or vocational training. This was a multiethnic parent group. Sixty-five p
ercent were bilingual or non-English speaking. Fifty-eight percent were bor
n outside of the continental United States. Parents were primarily of low-i
ncome status with 85% receiving Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) food supp
lements, Aid to Families With Dependent Children, and/or Medicaid.
Results. Half of the parents interviewed reported that they rarely read boo
ks. Sixty percent of children had fewer than 10 books at home and two-third
s of these households contained fewer than 50 books total. When asked open-
ended questions, 28% of parents said that sharing books with their child wa
s one of their three favorite activities together, 14% said that looking at
books was one of their child's three favorite things to do, and 19% report
ed sharing books at bedtime at least six times each week. Thirty-nine perce
nt of families had at least one of these three literacy-related responses p
resent and so were said to have a CCLO. A backwards stepwise multiple logis
tic regression on CCLO was performed with family financial, human, and soci
al capital variables. Parents married or living together (odds ratio [OR] 2
.56, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.21-5.42), higher adult-to-child ratio
s in the home (OR 1.92, 95% CI = 1.20-3.05), households speaking only Engli
sh (OR 2.67, 95% CI = 1.24-5.76), parents reading books themselves at least
a few times a week (OR 2.86, 95% CI = 1.38-5.91), and homes with more than
10 children's books (OR 3.3, 95% CI = 1.6-6.83), were all independently an
d significantly associated with the presence of CCLO. Older child age and h
igher parent education remain in the model but were not significant at the
P < .05 level. Ethnicity and income status were dropped for lack of additio
nal significance from this model, which described 24% of the variance in CC
Conclusion. Although two-parent families and higher adult-to-child ratios i
n the home appear to be social capital variables with protective effects, l
ow-income, single-parent, and minority or immigrant families are at signifi
cant risk for lacking both children's books and a CCLO. We suggest that CCL
O may itself be another form of social capital reflecting parental goals an
d expectations for their children. We speculate that interventions which pr
ovide children's books and information about reading with children to impov
erished families with young children may facilitate more parent-child book
sharing. Pediatricians and other primary care providers serving underserved
populations may have a unique opportunity to encourage activities focusing
on young children and promoting literacy.