Thermal conductivity (kappa) is measured on the quasi-one-dimensional polyt
elluride Nb4Te17I4 in the chain direction in the temperature range 4-340 K.
At low temperatures (T < 20 K) thermal conductivity of Nb4Te17I4 shows a m
aximum like in dielectric crystals. The estimated Debye temperature from lo
w temperature thermal conductivity is Theta(D) approximate to 105 K. At tem
peratures above the Debye temperature, thermal conductivity slowly decrease
s upon increasing the temperature, and shows a minimum around 180 K. Appear
ance of the minimum in thermal conductivity is expected, because an estimat
ed phonon mean free path at these temperatures is of the order of the latti
ce parameter. A very low room temperature value of thermal conductivity kap
pa approximate to 2.5 W m(-1) K-1 may reflect disorder of the lattice (C) 1
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