Most American studies report higher police officer suicide rates in compari
son to age-matched populations. In the Federal Republic of Germany police o
rganizations are comprised of Federal Customs, 16 state police, and 2 feder
al police organizations. A sun ey carried out in 1997 yielded higher suicid
e rates for police officers also in Germany in comparison to rates of the c
omparable age group (25 per 100,000 vs 20 per 100,000). The most commonly u
sed suicide method was firearms (66-71%). Hypotheses often attribute this h
igh suicidality among police officers to higher work stress than in other p
rofessions. Other hypotheses implicate individual variables such as psychia
tric illnesses, alcoholism, and interpersonal and marital problems. A trans
actional model might explain these different views.