A brief negative-reinforcement assessment was conducted with developmentall
y disabled children with severe destructive behavior. Five children were tr
ained to engage in a simple escape response (e.g., a hand clap). Then each
child was presented with a variety of stimuli or tasks that ranged on a sca
le om pr preferred to nonpreferred, based on parent ranking. The participan
t received a brief break from the stimuli or task, contingent on each escap
e response. For one child, an avoidance contingency was also implemented in
which he could engage in the response to avoid the presentation of stimuli
. Results showed that for each child, several stimuli were identified that
may serve as effective negative reinforcers. Results also indicated that th
e procedure did nor elicit any negative side effects for four children and
low rates of destructive behavior for rile fifth child. For one child, the
results of the negative-reinforcement assessment were used to develop an ef
fective treatment for destructive behavior. Additional applications of the
reinforcement assessment to treatment interventions is discussed, as well a
s limitations to the procedure. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd.