Brain laterality in schizophrenia has been examined through the application
of functional neuroimaging methods, These methods have included the (133)X
enon technique for measuring cerebral blood flow (CBF); positron emission t
omography for assessing rates of glucose metabolism, CBF, and neuroreceptor
functioning; single photon emission computerized tomography fbr studying C
BF and neuroreceptors; and functional magnetic resonance imaging for measur
ing changes attributable to CBF, This article highlights the application of
this technology in schizophrenia research, emphasizing more recent studies
that have evaluated hemispheric differences, There is evidence for lateral
ized abnormalities in some studies that have examined this dimension. In ge
neral, the results implicate abnormalities in left hemispheric activity. Re
cent advances in basic and clinical neuroscience provide an opportunity for
focused application of functional imaging in neurobiological studies of sc