Tracer response experiments were carried out using a packed bed of glass be
ads, where fluid flowed as either a single phase (water) or two phases (wat
er and gas) under steady unsaturated conditions. The results depended on th
e water saturation and could be divided into two regions at the critical wa
ter saturation, that is, the saturation at which the gas phase began to be
immobile. To determine the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficients, the experi
mental responses were compared with the numerical results of a one-dimensio
nal advection-dispersion equation. These results demonstrated that the hydr
odynamic dispersion coefficients increased with a decrease in water saturat
ion. Furthermore, the rates of the increase in the dispersion coefficients
above the critical saturation were. different from those below it. The foll
owing mathematical relations between the Peclet number, Pe, and the water s
aturation; S-w, were obtained from results of the two unsaturated flow expe
riments: Pe = 0.8S(w)(1.2) for single-phase flow and Pe = 0.9S(w)(3.1) for
two-phase flow. When S-w = 1 in the relation for single-phase flow, the val
ue of Pe is in a range that has been reported previously. The relation for
two-phase flow was used to analyze the mass transport of the two-phase trac
er (ammonia-water solution) through unsaturated beds.