Background: Because there are some difficulties with the diagnosis of
invasion or the endoscopic resection technique, almost all gastric tum
ors are resected surgically. Surgeons now are performing a limited ope
ration for early gastric cancer of the upper stomach (EGCUS) without l
ymph node metastasis. This paper discusses and evaluates the surgical
technique and the results of the limited operation for EGCUS. Patients
and Methods: Since 1988, a total of 34 patients with EGCUS, diagnosed
as intramucosal invasion, have undergone a limited operation-fundecto
my-which includes a limited proximal gastrectomy, a limited lymph node
dissection, and a procedure preserving the vagal nerve. The surgical
risk, postoperative complications, and survival rates of the fundectom
y patients (group A) were compared with those of patients undergoing a
total gastrectomy for EGCUS (group B). Results: Blood loss was lower
in group A (300 +/- 193 mL) than in group B (555 +/- 316 mL) (P <.05).
The incidence of postoperative pancreatic fistula also was lower in g
roup A (0%) than in group B (15.0%) (P <.05). All patients in both gro
ups (except one who died of a cerebral infarction) are alive without r
ecurrence. Conclusion: Compared to the results of a total gastrectomy,
performance of a limited fundectomy for EGCUS decreased surgical risk
and postoperative complications without decreasing the survival rate.