The prevalence and aetiological panorama of infantile hydrocephalus in
western Sweden have been followed since the late 1960s. A significant
increase in the live birth prevalence of very preterm infants with in
fantile hydrocephalus was found, from 6.99 per 1000 in the birth year
period 1973-78 to 25.37 in 1983-86, and owing to an increased survival
of very preterm infants with a high risk of hydracephalus, secondary
to an intraventricular haemorrhage occurring in the perinatal period.
In the present study covering the birth years 1991-94, a declining pre
valence to 13.69 per 1000 very preterm infants was found. In moderatel
y preterm and term groups, mostly with prenatal aetiologies, the preva
lence was unchanged. Outcome in surviving children with infantile hydr
ocephalus remained essentially the same as in previous studies, indica
ting that the underlying aetiology is the most decisive factor with re
spect to ensuing neuroimpairments.