There has been a long history of work on authoritarianism that has loo
ked at the role of societal threat. Much of the empirical research in
this tradition has relied on aggregate data to examine the relationshi
p between societal threat and authoritarian attitudes and behaviors. O
ur analysis uses individual-level data and a range of perceived threat
measures to better understand the dynamics of authoritarianism and th
reat. We also move beyond the hypothesis of a direct relationship betw
een threat and authoritarianism, and hypothesize instead that the rela
tionship involves interaction effects: societal threat activates autho
ritarian predispositions. As predicted, our analysis finds no evidence
of a direct effect of societal threat but significant evidence of an
interaction between authoritarian predispositions and perceived threat
. We consider the implications of these, results for our understanding
of authoritarianism.