Pore water has been analyzed from sediment cores taken from three area
s on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge as part of FlankFlux
90, a study of hydrothermal circulation through mid-ocean ridge flanks
. Seismic reflection and heat flow surveys (Davis et al., 1992a) indic
ate that the three areas differ in sediment thickness, basement topogr
aphy, abundance of outcrops, basement temperature, and fraction of hea
t lost by advection versus conduction. Area 1 is on 0.6 Ma crust with
nearly continuous basement outcrop, area 2 is on 1.3 Ma crust over the
first buried ridge parallel to the present ridge axis, and area 3 is
on 3.5-3.8 Ma crust over two axis-parallel buried ridges that penetrat
e the sediment cover in three locations. Each area includes a hydrothe
rmal system in which seawater flows into basement, reacts with crustal
basalt, and then exits basement either through the sediment or direct
ly into the overlying water column. As constrained by concentrations o
f sulfate and lithium in the pore waters, at least some seawater enter
s basement in all three areas without reacting fully with the overlyin
g sediment, even where no outcrops are known nearby. Speeds of upwelli
ng of pore water through the sediment have been estimated by fitting p
rofiles of dissolved magnesium and chlorinity, which behave conservati
vely in these areas, to numerical time-dependent transport models. The
estimated velocities range from < 0.1 to 7.4 cm/yr; faster flows prob
ably occur but were not sampled. Upwelling speed correlates positively
with heat flow and basement highs and negatively with sediment thickn
ess. The correlation with heat flow differs from area 2 to area 3 alon
g with differences in physical properties of the turbidite sediment. W
e have documented pore water upwelling through sediment up to 100 m th
ick. We estimate that upwelling continues at decreasing speeds through
sediment up to 160 m thick, corresponding to a heat flow of 0.44 W/m2
in area 2 and 0.3 W/m 2 in area 3. Concentrations of magnesium and ch
lorinity in the altered seawater upwelling from basement are uniform w
ithin each area but differ from one area to the next. Both species rem
ain at the bottom seawater concentration in area 1, where basement is
cooled to < 10-degrees-C at the base of the sediments mainly by advect
ion. The concentration of magnesium decreases with increasing basement
temperature in areas 2 and 3 to a minimum of 2.5 mmol/kg at about 90-
degrees-C in area 3. The transition from largely advective to largely
conductive heat loss occurs over only 20 km between areas 1 and 2 and
corresponds to a dramatic change in the composition of fluid circulati
ng through basement, as the uppermost basement is heated from < 10-deg
rees to 40-50-degrees-C. Chlorinity of the basement fluid increases ab
ove the present-day bottom seawater concentration in areas 2 and 3 and
in nearly all other mid-ocean ridge flanks studied to date, as a resu
lt of rock hydration and the higher chlorinity of bottom seawater duri
ng the last glacial period. While chlorinity generally correlates posi
tively with uppermost basement temperature in various ridge flank hydr
othermal systems, it reaches a maximum in area 2 at only 40-degrees-C,
probably because alteration there occurs at a lower water/rock ratio
than elsewhere. For all mid-ocean ridge flanks studied to date, the te
mperature at the basement interface correlates better with the fractio
n of heat lost by advection versus conduction and with the average thi
ckness of the sediment cover than with crustal age.